Împachetare cadou
Colier perle aur Think Over
Inel snur reglabil aur Halley's Comet
Lantisor cu fir transparent si banut aur cu initiala Spell It Out
Lantisor cu fir transparent bilute aur Precious Me
Lantisor cu fir transparent si pandantiv aur GoldCross
Cercei argint cu perla Unreal Beauty - placati aur galben 18K
Lantisor cu fir transparent si pandantiv aur GoldHeart
Bratara Tennis argint Dinner in the Sky
Inel snur reglabil argint stea Littl'Star - placat aur galben 18K
Inel snur reglabil aur Self Love
Lantisor cu fir transparent si pandantiv argint Clear Mind
Bratara argint lant Hardwear cu initiala My Person - placata aur galben 18K
Lantisor cu fir transparent si pandantiv aur GoldStar
Lantisor argint Swarovski Sparkle
Lantisor cu fir transparent si pandantiv aur GoldMoon
Cercei rotunzi argint Antique Unique - placati aur galben 18K
Inel infinit aur snur reglabil Endless Loop
Lantisor Tennis argint Shine Like No Other
Lantisor argint Swarovski Sparkle - placat aur galben 18K
Inel snur reglabil aur Honey and Mint
Cercei rotunzi argint creole Hoopy Loopy - placati aur galben 18K
Inel snur reglabil argint stea Littl'Star
Bratara Tennis argint Midnight in Paris
Colier perle argint Pearls of Wisdom - placat aur galben 18K
Lant argint barbati Marcus
Inel snur reglabil aur Fiveology
Lantisor aur cu perla Keep a Secret
Lantisor cu fir transparent si pandantiv aur Follow Your Heart
Bratara Tennis argint Midnight in Paris - placata aur galben 18K
Colier perle argint cu initiala Be Mine - placat aur galben 18K
Inel charm argint Cheer Me Up - placat aur galben 18K
Inel snur reglabil aur One of a Kind
Cercei argint cu perla Unreal Beauty
Cercei aur lungi stelute Sparkling
Inel snur reglabil aur cu stea Get A Gold Star
Lantisor argint cu pandantiv cruce Have Faith
Colier perle si lant argint Ten Drops
Bratara argint lant si perle SunShine - placata aur galben 18K
Inel argint cu perla Pearl Me Up - placat aur galben 18K
Lantisor Tennis argint Glint Spark
Bratara fixa argint Spirited Away - placata aur galben 18K
Inel argint barbati Jason